Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Google Ventures: Google announces the opening of an investment fund venture capital

By Editor, April 1, 2009

It is not because we are on the 1st April that it could be suspected to an April fool joke. Quite on the contrary, Google has announced the opening of an investment fund of venture capital (Google Ventures) to help companies bring their innovative projects to see the light of day. A massive amount of well more than $ 100 million is at stake here. Google believes that in these times of crisis is the ideal time to invest in new ventures that could prove to be "the Next Big Thing."

Google Ventures is open to all suggestions

A post on the official Google blog says that the management of future partners is rather open-minded. "We will focus our initial investments in a wide range of industries such as software, clean technology, biotechnology, and health, the study of consumers and undoubtedly in other sectors where we have not thought about ".

Google Ventures
To apply for Google Ventures, send your PowerPoint presentation of about a dozen slides to ventures@google.com. Moreover, if all this seems a little but suspect, in the same post, Google explains their motives: "Economically, times are hard, but big ideas geminate all the time. In fact, we believe that the current slowdown is an ideal time to invest in new businesses which could have the chance to be "the next big thing" and we will work hard to find. "

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